International womens day insights from 7 inspirational women

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, we are excited to shine a spotlight on the women of the PRD network who are breaking barriers and making waves in the real estate industry.

We had the opportunity to sit down with seven incredible women in the industry to hear their stories, gain insights into their experiences, and learn about their visions for the future.

These women have faced challenges and obstacles but have not let them hold them back. Instead, they have used them as fuel to pave the way for future generations of women in real estate. Join us as we dive into their journeys and celebrate their successes.

For International Women’s Day 2023, we interviewed incredible women from the network, namely:

How did you get into the real estate industry, and what do you love about it?



“Real estate was my first job, my first ‘proper job’, after school finished. I had applied for three traineeships over the December / January period and landed a reception role in a real estate firm to commence February 2004. I loved the ‘look’ of what real estate was about, the professionalism of the workers, and the mix of properties. I enjoy being in a customer focused and facing role, so reception was a great start.” – Kate Stevens

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“I started at PRD as the front office concierge. I come from a background in hotel management and thrive on being kept extremely active. I moved up from Front Office Concierge to Sales Support, and then to Events Manager. I recently coordinated the successful PRD Tamworth People’s Choice Charity Ball, raising a grand total of $64,300 for five local charities. Working with the community and local businesses was the most incredible opportunity and rewarding experience I have had in my career.” – Pip Marshall

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How have you balanced work and personal life as a woman in the real estate industry?

“I take some time out for mindfulness each day, and I am always grateful for the wonderful people around me.” – Veronica Perez


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“Work life balance can be difficult; I learned this the hard way. Taking time for yourself and setting the RIGHT goals is imperative to not burning out in this industry.

  1. Learn to say no.
  2. Delegate and outsource no-dollar productive tasks.
  3. Book holidays at the start of every year.
  4. Take your annual leave each year. You need time for yourself.”

 Rebecca Creighton-Clarke


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What have been some of your biggest challenges as a woman in the real estate industry, and how have you overcome them?


“Sometimes, unfortunately, you may not be taken seriously. I have encountered this a few times in my career, and it really gets under my skin. The “boys club” is slowly dying out, but it can sometimes still rear its head in our industry. I make sure I know the market inside and out; I am up to date on current affairs, financial markets, world events, and most importantly, our valuable PRD research. The ability to have an in-depth conversation with anyone at any time and know exactly what you are talking about will have you being taken seriously very quickly!” – Annette Neil


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What are some strategies you have used to build a successful career in the real estate industry?

“I’ve made sure I’ve had the right people by my side and the right people on my team. Wholeheartedly, this is not a career that you could tackle alone. Those close to you and ‘in your corner’ are a great sounding board to look at challenges from different angles, to talk through strategies and solutions, to hold you up when you want to fall, and to push you forward when you need reassurance. To these people, I am and always will be extremely grateful.” – Kate Stevens

“Don’t apologise for providing advice to someone who needs to hear the truth. They might not like it now, but they will thank you later.” – Veronica Perez

Develop an eye for detail and learn to pick out the advantages of each property so you know how to market its strong points. Be consistent with everything you do. Change your marketing strategy as soon as a property goes quiet on the market with buyers.” – Cathy Cattell


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What advice would you give to other women who are just starting out in the real estate industry?

“Be prepared to work hard, and you will reap the rewards in both job satisfaction and an incredible income. Women are doing well in real estate, and it’s an incredible career.” – Cathy Cattell

“Don’t be afraid to speak up and have an opinion. So often we get referred to as “aggressive” or a “ball breaker” if we are forward. Learning how to be assertive and effectively speak up is a learned skill that will see you through many tough situations.” – Annette Neil

Choose wisely who you surround yourself with. Do your homework on prospective employers before approaching them and ask questions in the interview process. Choosing the right people to elevate your career is make or break, whether you are male or female. You want to work in an office that has strong core values and ethics and that offers weekly training to develop your skills as an agent.

You want to choose an office that grows its staff into highly trained professionals and presents itself in your market as a united team. If you surround yourself with people who want to elevate you and who want to see you succeed, you can’t and won’t fail.” – Rebecca Creighton-Clarke

For any women starting out in the industry, I would tell them not to be afraid. It has been a “men’s club” in the past, but it is not that way anymore. The real estate industry needs more female leaders, and there is great success and accomplishment to be had from taking that step.” – Natalie Gray


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We are proud to present you with the insights from these women in the PRD network this International Women’s Day. They have all spent years honing their skills, helping clients, and improving themselves. Their dedication has helped them become top-level professionals in the real estate industry.


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